Next Meeting
“Fill the Crate” Potluck BBQ’s
10516 SE 219th Street, Kent, WA.
Saturday June 22nd Noon to 6:30 pm
Sunday June 30th Noon to 6:30 pm
Saturday July 13st Noon to 6:30 pm
Sunday July 21st Noon to 6:30 pm
Saturday Aug 3rd Noon to 9:00 pm
Sunday Aug 4th 11am to 8:00 pm
Saturday Aug17th 11am to 9:00 pm
Sunday Aug 24th 11am to 8:00 pm
FridayAug 30th 11am to 8:00 pm
Saturday Aug 31st 9 am to10 pm
Sunday Sept 1st 9 am to10 pm
Monday Sept 2nd 9 am to10 pm
TuesdaySept3rd 9 am to10 pm
Wed Sept 4th 8 am to 2 pm
Sat Sept 14th Noon to 6:30 pm
Saturday Sept 21st Noon to 7:30 pm
Sunday Sept 22nd Noon to 6:30 pm
Tuesday Sept 24th 3 pm to 8 pm
Sunday Sept 29th 10 am to 6 pm
Wed Oct 2nd Noon to 6:30 pm
Thursday Oct 3rd Noon to 6:30 pm
Friday October 4th 11am to 9pm leave to airport
Join us to fill the crate to ship to the Philippines to Host the 2nd Manila Tradeswomen Gathering. After the Aug 4th meeting we will switch gears, to focus on Papua New Guinea and putting on the events.
Please bring your donations, ideas, thoughts, feedback, contacts, connections, opinions and questions to the meeting. We are fine with you just dropping and running if you need to. If you have time, we will be unpackaging, sorting, packing, recondition old tools, de-rust, sharpen, repair, oil ...
As per Sisters Rules, this is a potluck. There shall be no meeting of the Sisters without food and fun. If you can, bring something to share, if you don’t have resources or time, no worries, no one has Ever left a Sisters meeting hungry.
Sisters and supportive brothers are asked to look around for what you no longer need in your garages, sheds, tool boxes, bags, buckets and ask others to do so.
Sisters are putting collection buckets on jobsites and at union locals as well as pickle jars to collect change at the dispatch counter.
They are shopping at tool stores for sales, Harbor Freight parking lot sales, Goodwill, the dollar store and where ever they can make a few bucks stretch a bit further..
Many of the needed items are listed on our Amazon Wish List
If what you can do is talk your union, apprenticeship or company out of some Tee's, hats, stickers, safety gear (gloves, glasses, earplugs, reflective gear) or First Aid supplies, and Trade Educational Material, we are grateful if you drop them by.
Modifiable example letter to Unions asking for support and sponsorship
Fill the Crate Flyer
Please feel welcome to join the insanity and pitch in what you can.
Women are being trained as
Motorcycle and Auto Mechanics
Electrical Residential install and Solar install
Electrical appliance assembly and repair
Auto electric
Commercial electrical install, maintenance and repair.
Please consider choosing a trade... and "Adopting a Sister"
Examples of pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training material and Curriculum, On thumb drive or in print are requested to share in the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and in Australia.
Industry Stickers, Tee’s and other swag are being collected for both The Manila Tradeswomen Gathering and the Australian Tradeswomen Conference. Please feel welcome to put in an ask to contractors, locals, and vendors to fill the crate.
All Tradeswomen and women working in the industry are welcome to join us as international tradeswomen delegates hosting the events or attending the Aussie Conference.
Our Fundraiser is up and what we can't raise, we can't do.
Please consider a small donation to the cause